Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Career in Conservation?

A Career in Conservation?

A few weeks ago I took one of the best trips of my life.  Living in a swing state, I was being bombarded by election calls, ads and mailings and needed to get away.  I tried to decide between going to New England and going to California.   As it turns out, Hurricane Sandy was about to swing through, so fortunately I chose to go to California.

I had a VIP experience at the San Diego Zoo.   I went to the Veterinary hospital there and saw a mountain lion named Koya (one of the few indigenous species at the zoo) get a root canal.   I saw some of the fantastic, innovative tools that vets there use to help treat animals.    The hospital houses SIX pathologists and I heard about some innovative techniques used in turtle physical therapy.    I got up close to tigers and leopards, and fed and petted elephants, giraffes, meerkats and 23-year-old blind sea lion named Jake.  Beyond the thrill of all that, I learned so much.  For instance, elephants like raisins, polar bears like grapes (and are incredibly smart) and flamingos get their pink color from their consumption of shrimp and other crustaceans.

I have always loved zoos and aquariums.  I watch Nature religiously and even went to the Berlin Zoo on my honeymoon (to see Knute the polar bear).  I guess my dream job would be to be a zookeeper.  Being around animals, not at a desk, and educating others about conservation would be a dream for sure.  So after my visit to the zoo, I thought about how I might achieve that dream.   I went to the Denver Zoo website, to see about volunteering or internships.    Much to my surprise and joy, I discovered a Master’s program for working professionals.   I can get my Master’s in Zoology while still working at the Center for Bioethics.   Having graduate degrees  in both education and zoology will prime me for my dream job.  Zookeeper/conservationist/animal advocate.

It only took 2 weeks, but I completed my application.   Essays and information submitted, transcripts sent,  and letters of recommendation submitted.    In March of 2013, they will be interviewing candidates for admission.    This time of year usually fliess by, but I have a feeling it will be slow going as I wait to hear if I am on the path to moving towards my dream job.

What would be better still?  For me to get on the Daily Show and be interviewed by Jon Stewart as conservationist.

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