Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Before I Die I Want to....

I recently saw this as a headline on a news story.   At first I thought of it for making a bucket list, or a list of things that you want to do before you die.    Naturally I started thinking about things that would be on MY bucket list.   I am surprised that it never occured to me to make a bucket list before.   Given that I have nearly died at least 3 times (being hit by lightning, falling down a flight of stairs, and being hit by a moving truck while I was out running to name a few), it would seem that I would have philosophised about my mortality a bit more.   Sure, I have had folks tell me how "lucky" I am to have survived all those things (and that I should play the lottery), but it has never given me any sort of impulse to accomplish specific things.

After having thought about it, I can only think of one thing.  I would like to be on "The Daily Show" with Jon Stewart.   Now the terms are flexible.  I have such an affinity for the show, that whenever is on, I have to watch.  Even when the segments or news are uncomfortable, which they frequently are.  By uncomfortable, I mean watching the shenanigans of politicians or celebrities, and that sinking feeling that this is the world we live in.  Somehow humor makes it more palatable, which is why I think so many people get their news from the Daily Show.   The other reason I like it so much is Jon Stewart.   The man exhibits an intelligence, humility and wit unlike any other newscaster or pundit (apart from perhaps Brian Williams).   It doesn't hurt that Jon and I share an alma mater of William and Mary (Go Tribe! Um, I mean Griffins?). And he shares my morbid sense of humor.

So to be on the Daily Show would be my one item on my bucket list.   As I mentioned, how it came to be does not matter.  I might be a passerby in one of the news segments (the likeliest), a correspondent deadpanning my way through some issue (a lot less likely) or a guest.    Chance dictates the likelihood of the first, a career in comedy would make the second more feasible, and nothing short of a miracle would constitute the third.   Daily Show guests are typically celebrities or people who have accomplished something noteworthy.  Not being a celebrity, I would have to do the latter.  One of the only things I can think of  that I might be able to accomplish to be on the Daily Show would be to write a book.  A really good book that Jon Stewart would like.  I am sure that is no easy task.   My favorite author, Mary Roach, was on the Daily Show, and I am not even close to being a Mary Roach.

Not to sell myself short.  I have a postgraduate degree, I am introspective, intuitive and am reasonably intelligent.   But writing a book that would meet the standards of Jon Stewart is something else.  My bucket list doesn't include writing a book, unless writing that book was an avenue to get on the Daily Show.   I suppose I could also write a movie (which seems more likely given my love of film) or I could do my dream documentary (about graduate school) but those are expensive endeavors that require networking.   I am too much of a realist (and too sensitive to disappointment) to try those.  Unless I won the lottery and could live off that money as I tried.   But that is not going to happen.

So what could I write about?  I have an idea for a book that I would call "What You've Got".    It would be my own musings, as well as thoughts from the spectrum of people I have encountered through my various jobs and travel, about what a person possesses.   I mean physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, intellectually, etc.   I would like to be philosophical and informative, without coming off as a "self-help" book.   The key ingredient would be my own brand of humor.   The kind that serves Mary Roach so well, and would land me on the Daily Show.  Oh I have the outline and some musing already, but the final manuscript needs to be crafted.  I guess part of me, well most of me, wants to sign the book deal before I invest that amount of energy/time/blood/sweat/tears.  (Remember, I am "sensitive to disappointment" :) ).

So my bucket list is short, and not likely going to happen.  But that is okay because it is what one WANTS to do, not what one HAS to do.   Sure I would like to go to Scotland or Australia (again).  I definitely want to see The Dark Knight Rises (assuming I live until next July).   But I don't need to do any of those things.    Being on the Daily Show would be an awesome footnote that I think would punctuate my life experience, but not define it.